Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Forget Philly as the Cradle of Liberty - so over two centuries ago!  Today,  it can lay claim to being the Birthplace of BEER WEEK!!

Five years is apparently an eternity in the beer world.  Back then, no one had heard of  a "beer week" (then again, precious few of us had a clue what a black IPA was, either).  Now, there are close to 100 Beer Weeks worldwide ~  would I could hop a magic carpet to Australian Good Beer Week, May 12-19, in Melbourne!

But it all started right in my own backyard, back in 2007.  And the rest, as they say, is beerstory!

This year's event kicks off a week from today ~ June 1-10.  The event has grown into a mega beer industry event, with wholesalers assigning staff for the celebration, breweries producing special beers & special tap handles, while bars & restaurants fill every spare space with keg inventories & schedule countless events!

Had a blast last year.  Alas, John's not a beer drinker, so I've had to head out on my own.  Wanna tag along??

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